One of the benefits of participating and joining UUCP is the opportunity to meet wonderful people and enjoy interesting activities we plan throughout the year. Hope to see you at one! Check ourCalendar to confirm dates. Please contact Membership with any questions.
- Many Voices Reading Circle — This group brings together people who wish to experience and study diverse religions, genders and ethnic cultures through books.
- Career Development — Using a combination of good career development practices and good UUCP supportive group practices, the UUCP career development group members work together to improve or change their professional lives. The group was founded in 2005 and is led by career counselor and coach Martha Patton to help members change careers/jobs or develop further in their current position. Contact: Martha Patton or Karen Washington for more information.
- The Humanist Group – Science, Art, Social Justice and the Meaning of Life—for those who are interested in, or curious about, exploring life, society and the world around us from the perspective of a Humanist world view. Meetings are held the 3rd Friday of every month, but check the calendar for changes in the schedule.
- Men’s Group — Meets monthly to discuss and explore men’s issues, gender based dialogues and male concerns that are properly and beneficially shared man to man. The Group also relates to the national affiliate of the Unitarian Universalist Association, UUMeN and explores activities in relation to the Congregation and the community.
- Spiritual Centering — Meets on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month to help sustain the spiritual practice of group members. As defined in Essential Spirituality by Roger Walsh, ‘Spiritual practices are those that help us experience the sacred – that which is most central and essential to our lives – for ourselves.’ To help us experience the sacred we covenant to try to include the following in our daily practice:
- Meditation/Prayer
- Care of the body
- Contemplative reading of sacred/spiritual text