UUCP History
The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Palisades has its roots in the Unitarian Society of Rutherford, which was founded in 1891 by four forward-thinking individuals, including the father of renowned poet William Carlos Williams.
In its early days, the Society was truly a cultural force in Rutherford, hosting many plays and concerts in addition to religious gatherings. As Rutherford evolved from a genteel Victorian town to a working-class community, the Society went through changes as well. At its high point membership was so large that groups split off to form other Unitarian societies. At its low point special canvasses were held to pay the heating bills.
The Society had a woman, Elizabeth Padgham, as its minister from 1905 to 1927. At a time when there were few, if any, women ministers in this area, she also served as President of the New Jersey Clergy Association.
In the 1960’s the Society served as a locus for the civil rights movement in the area. By the 1970’s, membership had decreased to the point where the building was sold. The Society continued to dwindle until only a handful of members were left and services and programs ceased. It was decided that the money from the sale of the building would be used to start a racially diverse congregation in the Englewood-Teaneck area.
The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Palisades (UUCP) was founded in 1989 as part of an effort by the UUA to create a number of “intentionally diverse” congregations. Twelve congregations were founded. Of the twelve congregations, only three remain. We are one of them. The first service of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Palisades was held on March 19, 1989 at Flat Rock Brook Nature Center. In March 1995, the congregation called Lee Reid as its first Settled Minister. However, a year later in November 1996, Rev. Reid was hit by a car on her way to a Board of Trustees meeting and died several days later. The loss of Lee was profound and deep.
Currently, we have two accomplished ministers, both of whom were ordained by One Spirit Interfaith Seminary. Reverend Paul Dodenhoff has been with the congregation since 2012, and in, 2020, we hired Reverend Sonia Ketchian in addition.
Known as the wandering Unitarians, UUCP has “lived” in nine places: Flat Rock Brook, St. John’s Church, Liberty School, First United Methodist Church, a storefront in Teaneck, West Side Presbyterian Church, Bergen Family Center, The Lydecker Homestead, and now, due to Covid, we are living on Zoom on line. All of the above, except for the storefront in Teaneck, and Zoom, have been in Englewood, New Jersey.
In partnership with staff, members, and friends of the congregation we are growing in spirit and numbers. It is an exciting time to be a part of UUCP.
UUCP Resolution on Anti-Racism
WHEREAS the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Palisades was founded in 1989 as an intentionally multiracial, multicultural spiritual community; and
WHEREAS the UUCP Vision Statement asserts that Unity in Diversity “is for a us a practical rule by which we, and the world at large, may realize our best potential”;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that we, the members of UUCP, affirm our identity as an antiracist community of faith by publicly and expressly stating that identity in our Vision Statement; and
WHEREAS we, the members of UUCP, are guided by the principles of our Unitarian Universalist faith which affirm and promote the inherent worth and dignity of every person, with justice, equity, and compassion;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that our anti-racist identity be reflected in the life of the congregation, its programs, projects, and activities; its organization and its culture, e.g. adult religious education, children’s religious education, worship service, community outreach; and
WHEREAS we acknowledge that racial justice and empowerment must precede the achievement of a meaningful diversity that honors all people;
BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED that we, the members of UUCP, enter into a covenant with one another to continue to learn about racism, and to develop strategies to dismantle it; that we support and nurture each other as we create and implement a UUCP blueprint to eliminate racism.
Adopted at the Annual Meeting June 1998
UUCP Resolution on Same-Sex Marriage and Becoming a Welcoming Congregation
BE IT RESOLVED, that The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Palisades supports the right of individuals to marry without limitation as to gender and that all marriages shall have equal benefits under the law.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that duly authorized actions may be taken in support of same-sex marriages in the name of the congregation.
WHEREAS, The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Palisades has engaged in a program of workshops, congregational resolutions, and activities that incorporates bisexual, gay, lesbian, and transgender life issues, and
WHEREAS, the members of the congregation desire to acknowledge their commitment to the support, outreach, and welcoming of bisexual, gay, lesbian, and transgender people, NOW THEREFORE
BE IT RESOLVED, that The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Palisades affirms that we are a “Welcoming Congregation” and that we participate in the Welcoming Congregation program led by the Office of Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian and Transgender Concerns of the Unitarian Universalist Association.
Adopted at a congregational meeting 2004 October 10