UUCP Wednesday Zoom Meeting

Topic: UUCP Wednesday Zoom Meeting Date/Time: Wednesday, September 23, at 2:00 PM Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/86181222044?pwd=RDhtK0pqdXFVMThlYUZRMWdHK3lQdz09 Meeting ID: 861 8122 2044 Passcode: 150142 One tap mobile +19292056099,,86181222044#,,,,,,0#,,150142# US (New York) […]

Conscious Conversations with Rev. Sonia

MANAGING ANXIETY DURING CHALLENGING TIMES We are at the 6 month mark of the Pandemic with an election like no other pending. How is your anxiety these days? Many of us […]

Sin, Atonement, and At-One-Ment – Rev. Paul Dodenhoff

Please join UUCP for today’s Zoom service, “Sin, Atonement and At-One-Ment” at 10:30 AM led by Rev. Paul Dodenhoff. Most religious traditions have rituals to atone and seek forgiveness for […]

UUCP Tuesday Meditations with Rev. Sonia ❤️

Poster By: Liandra Pires UUCP TUESDAY MEDITATIONS WITH REV. SONIA In this challenging world, a touchstone for peace is available to be accessed with within us. Whatever your experience beginner to […]

UUCP Tuesday Meditations with Rev. Sonia ❤️

Poster By: Liandra Pires UUCP TUESDAY MEDITATIONS WITH REV. SONIA In this challenging world, a touchstone for peace is available to be accessed with within us. Whatever your experience beginner […]

UUCP Conscious Conversations with Rev. Sonia

UUCP Conscious Conversations with Rev. Sonia - Unpacking the Vice Presidential Debate Please join us for a UUCP Conscious Conversation with Rev. Sonia Topic: Unpacking the Vice Presidential Debate Date: Thursday, […]

UUCP Tuesday Meditations with Rev. Sonia ❤️

Poster By: Liandra Pires UUCP TUESDAY MEDITATIONS WITH REV. SONIA In this challenging world, a touchstone for peace is available to be accessed with within us. Whatever your experience beginner […]