Please join UUCP for today’s Zoom Service, “UBUNTU” at 10:30 AM led by Guest Minister – Rev. Pippa Jones.
“Ubuntu” – What is the true meaning of this Southern African value system? Discover the fascinating history of Ubuntu, what it meant to Archbishop Tutu during and after the Liberation Struggle against Apartheid, what it can mean for the United States and our world today, as well as how it can be made manifest in our every day life.
All are welcome. We look forward to seeing you!

Poster By: Liandra Pires
Rev. Pippa Jones
A fellow graduate of Rev Sonia and Rev Paul from One Spirit Interfaith Seminary, NYC (Class 2012). Pippa is half-American, born in Sacramento California, and is a teacher by profession. Her career in education and then in the work of Interfaith has taken her around the world, working mostly with the marginalized in social activism and Indigenous Knowledge Systems, as well as co-founding and co-leading the Sydney Sacred Center in Australia. Having recently studied for her Master’s in Interfaith, you now find her in Cape Town South Africa where she is working in all these fields plus now heading up an inner city Youth Leadership Program.
Topic: UUCP Sunday Service
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