A few states have recently banned involuntary servitude for people convicted of a crime, amending their states’ constitutions to expressly prohibit slavery.
New Jersey now has an opportunity to join those states in prohibiting slavery or involuntary servitude in any form. If passed, Senate Concurrent Resolution SCR96 and Assembly Concurrent Resolution ACR145 would allow the following question to be put on the ballot:
Constitutional Amendment to Prohibit Slavery and Involuntary Servitude
Do you approve amending the Constitution to prohibit slavery and involuntary servitude? This would include involuntary servitude as a penalty for a crime. Involuntary servitude is when a person is forced to work for another person.
with the following interpretive statement:
Interpretive Statement
Currently, the State Constitution does not prohibit slavery or involuntary servitude. This amendment would prohibit slavery and involuntary servitude. Involuntary servitude means forcing a person to work against their will for the benefit of another.
Currently, inmates in this State have to work while in prison. An inmate is paid a minimal amount for that work. This amendment would prohibit forcing an inmate to work as a penalty for a crime, even if they are paid. This amendment would not prohibit inmates from working voluntarily.
The bill would need to be passed over 3 months before the November election in order to meet the requirements to publicize the question for 3 months before adding it to the ballot.
You can support this bill by calling Senate President Stephen Sweeney at +1 (856) 251-9801 to urge him to schedule SCR96 for a vote, or send him a letter here.