Planned Giving

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Easily Provide Support to UUCP Through Your Will

One of the most popular and easiest ways to support the good work of our community is to remember our congregation in your will. Although the legacies you typically read about in the papers are grand in scope, most people who leave assets to charitable organizations through their
wills are of modest means. Here are some future and ongoing needs that your donation could support:

    • Expand and enhance programs or initiatives in your congregation
    • Continue to maintain or build facilities
    • Ensure the future of your religious community

Completing Your Gift

So how do you remember us in your will? While planning or updating your will, simply tell your attorney that you want to leave something for UUCP. A common practice when including a bequest in your estate is to leave a percentage, rather than a fixed amount. That way, your bequest to the congregation remains in proportion to other bequests.

If you would like help in setting up planned giving, please contact the Finance Team