As The Wheel Turns – Rev. Paul Dodenhoff

Please join UUCP for today’s Zoom service, “As the Wheel Turns” at 10:30 AM led by Rev. Paul Dodenhoff. Once again, the wheel of the year turns and a special week begins with the observances of the Jewish festival of Rosh Hashanah, the Pagan and Wiccan observance of the harvest festival of Mabon, and the […]

UUCP Tuesday Meditations with Rev. Sonia ❤️

Poster By: Liandra Pires UUCP TUESDAY MEDITATIONS WITH REV. SONIA In this challenging world, a touchstone for peace is available to be accessed with within us. Whatever your experience beginner to advanced, all are welcome! In this challenging world, a touchstone for peace is available to be accessed with within us. Whatever your experience beginner to advanced, […]

UUCP Wednesday Zoom Meeting

Topic: UUCP Wednesday Zoom Meeting Date/Time: Wednesday, September 23, at 2:00 PM Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 861 8122 2044 Passcode: 150142 One tap mobile +19292056099,,86181222044#,,,,,,0#,,150142# US (New York) Dial by your location         +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) Find your local number:

Conscious Conversations with Rev. Sonia

MANAGING ANXIETY DURING CHALLENGING TIMES We are at the 6 month mark of the Pandemic with an election like no other pending. How is your anxiety these days? Many of us are feeling stretched. I know I am. Let’s come together as a congregation to speak frankly about our feelings and explore self-care tools for ourselves and […]

Sin, Atonement, and At-One-Ment – Rev. Paul Dodenhoff

Please join UUCP for today’s Zoom service, “Sin, Atonement and At-One-Ment” at 10:30 AM led by Rev. Paul Dodenhoff. Most religious traditions have rituals to atone and seek forgiveness for one’s sins against others and against their god. This week, our Jewish friends will observe Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, the most solemn day […]

UUCP Tuesday Meditations with Rev. Sonia ❤️

Poster By: Liandra Pires UUCP TUESDAY MEDITATIONS WITH REV. SONIA In this challenging world, a touchstone for peace is available to be accessed with within us. Whatever your experience beginner to advanced, all are welcome! In this challenging world, a touchstone for peace is available to be accessed with within us. Whatever your experience beginner to advanced, […]

Forgiveness As a Path to Peace – Rev. Sonia Ketchian

Please join UUCP for today’s Zoom service, “Forgiveness As a Path to Peace” at 10:30 AM led by Rev. Sonia Ketchian. Sunday, October 4th / 10:30 AM Part 1 - Why Forgive? Sunday, October 11th / 10:30 AM Part 2 - How to Forgive? In this two-part experiential series, we will explore: What forgiveness is […]

UUCP Tuesday Meditations with Rev. Sonia ❤️

Poster By: Liandra Pires UUCP TUESDAY MEDITATIONS WITH REV. SONIA In this challenging world, a touchstone for peace is available to be accessed with within us. Whatever your experience beginner to advanced, all are welcome! In this challenging world, a touchstone for peace is available to be accessed with within us. Whatever your experience beginner to […]