Please join UUCP for today's service at 10:30 a.m. led by UUCP Co-President, Deborah Singer Pires. Join us on this last Sunday of the year as we light a candle and share our joys and sorrows. We will also be celebrating UUCP's 30-year anniversary (1989 - 2019) Bring stories and photos.

WELCOMING 2020! – Arlene Holpp Scala

Virtual Event Virtual Event

Please join UUCP for today's service at 10:30 a.m. led by UUCP Co-President, Arlene Holpp Scala. Come and celebrate the new decade, 2020! At our service we will share New Year's resolutions and plans! Our celebration will include a pot luck! Please bring something to share. Healthy foods are welcome! Visitors join us and bring […]

AGING WITH GRACE – Arlene Holpp Scala

Please join UUCP for today's service at 10:30 a.m. led by UUCP Co-President, Arlene Holpp Scala. There are challenges with aging that cannot be ignored, and at the same time, many of us are living long enough after the demands of employment and raising a family, to engage in what we are most passionate about. […]

WHEN STARS EXPLODE – Rev. Paul Dodenhoff

Please join UUCP for today’s service at 10:30 a.m. led by Rev. Paul Dodenhoff. Carl Sagan famously said that we are all made of “starstuff,” made from the interiors of collapsing stars. For some, that’s a very unappealing idea. But it doesn’t have to be. Join us today as we consider what Sagan meant and […]