Don’t Take Anything Personally: The Four Agreements (Part 2) – Rev. Sonia Ketchian

Virtual , United States
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Please join UUCP for today’s online service, “Don't Take Anything Personally: The Four Agreements (Part 2)” at 10:30 AM led by Rev. Sonia Ketchian.  In this 2nd service in our series on “The Four Agreements”, we’ll explore the 2nd Agreement, “Don't Take Anything Personally”.  To not take anything personally certainly sounds like a big ask, […]

Conscious Conversation with Rev. Sonia Ketchian (The Four Agreements – Part 2)

Virtual , United States
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Please join us for a Conscious Conversation with Rev. Sonia Ketchian! Topic: Discussing "The Four Agreements (Part 2)" - "Don’t Take Anything Personally" Date: Thursday, January 26 Time: 7:00 PM Location: Zoom For most of us, the idea to not take anything personally sounds almost impossible with the complex challenges of relationships in our world. As we […]

The Guiding Light of Gandhi – Rev. Pippa Jones

Virtual , United States
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Please join UUCP for today’s online service, “The Guiding Light of Gandhi” at 10:30 AM led by Rev. Pippa Jones.  Each year, in the month of January, the world remembers two giants of activism: Martin Luther King Jr. and Mahatma Gandhi, who died January 30, 1948. MLK said about Gandhi: “…he (lifted) love from individual […]

Don’t Make Assumptions: The Four Agreements (Part 3) – Rev. Sonia Ketchian (Hybrid Service)

Virtual , United States

Please join UUCP for today’s in-person and online service, “Don’t Make Assumptions: The Four Agreements (Part 3)” at 10:30 AM led by Rev. Sonia Ketchian.  Join us this Sunday for part three of our four-part series based on the extraordinary book, "The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz.  This week we’ll focus on the third […]

Conscious Conversation with Rev. Sonia Ketchian (The Four Agreements – Part 3)

Virtual , United States
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Please join us for a SPECIAL TUESDAY Conscious Conversation with Rev. Sonia Ketchian! Topic: Discussing "The Four Agreements (Part 3)" - "Don't Make Assumptions" Date: Tuesday, February 7 Time: 7:00 PM Location: Zoom Join us for a conscious conversation where we will discuss Don Miguel Ruiz's third agreement, "Don't Make Assumptions." As we explore Ruiz’s teachings, he […]

“The Sacred in our Skin” – Cole Arthur Riley and Black History Month – Rev. Pippa Jones

Virtual , United States
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Please join UUCP for today’s online service, “The Sacred in our Skin” - Cole Arthur Riley and Black History Month at 10:30 AM led by Rev. Pippa Jones.  Black History Month originated in the US, and is now celebrated by several other countries around the world, including South Africa. Inspired by author and poet, Cole […]

For The Love of Poetry – Arlene Holpp Scala and Deborah Singer Pires

Virtual , United States
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Please join UUCP for today’s online service, “For The Love of Poetry” at 10:30 AM led by UUCP Co-Presidents, Arlene Holpp Scala and Deborah Singer Pires.  We will share comments about love and the art of poetry. A poem can awaken and nourish the soul. By love poetry, we are referring to “love” in its […]

Black Women and Liberation Struggle: From Abolition to Suffrage to Civil Rights to Black Lives Matter – Arlene Holpp Scala

Virtual , United States
Virtual Event Virtual Event

Please join UUCP for today’s online service, “Black Women and Liberation Struggle: From Abolition to Suffrage to Civil Rights to Black Lives Matter” at 10:30 AM led by Arlene Holpp Scala.  This service will present numerous Black sheroes engaged in liberation and justice struggles, bridging Black History Month and Women’s History Month. Starting with Harriet […]