Please join us for our joint service held today at the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Rockland at 10:30 AM. The service “Learning to Exhale” will be led by Rev. Dawn Sangrey. As we begin a new year together, we ask ourselves these questions: How can I make room for the new in my life? What can I release, let go of? What am I willing to surrender, to question, to sacrifice in order to realize the world that I believe in? How can I become more open to working with other people? What can we do together in this religious community to bring the world we live in closer to the world we long for?
We will car pool and meet at the Lydecker House at 9:30 AM. We will contribute to the pot luck lunch. Please bring a dish. Arlene Holpp Scala will coordinate the carpooling. Send all questions and carpooling information (driver or rider) to Arlene at
Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Rockland
130 Concklin Road,
Pomona, NY 10970
Tel: (845) 354-1789