Please join us for “A Dickens of a Holiday Party!”
This is a great alternative to Black Friday!!
We will have a potluck dinner with friends to kick-off the holiday season! Bring some of your Thanksgiving leftover main course, side dishes, and dessert goodies to share. We’ll provide hot cider, coffee, tea, and maybe a Wassail bowl or two. Feel free to bring your own wine.
We will be having a viewing of the 1951 version of “A Christmas Carol” starring Alastair Sim. Before the film, Rev. Paul will be sharing some comments on Charles Dickens, his connection to Unitarianism, some thoughts on the text of “A Christmas Carol,” and social justice work in Victorian England. After the film a time for dessert and some questions and discussion.
Also please bring any canned and / or non-perishable items for donation to our local food pantries.